
c'mon Colt!!!

Well, the end is near. We had our very last appointment today at the Maternity Center, so we have scheduled an induction. Sometime on Friday, St. Josephs labour & delivery will call and I will go in to have a method of induction done involving a prostaglandin gel. They'll keep me for an hour to monitor me and the baby to see if labour will begin, if not I will be going home and returning in 6 hours for the procedure to be repeated. If the two applications of gel don't bring labour on, then on saturday morning I'll be returning to labour & delivery where they will give me IV of pitocin to start contractions! If all goes well baby Colt should be born on Saturday September 27th! If he isn't born until Sunday, it probably means I've had a really long labour, (lol so be cautious if you visit!) :) Since we were hoping for a natural birth I'm kind of dissapointed to have to be facing an induction, but there are alot of risks if the baby stays in for too long, so I know it is best. With a pitocin induced labour, contractions are apparently far more intense and painful, so I may end up having to request an epidural which I was also hoping to avoid. We'll have to just wait and see how I can tolerate the pain I suppose.
but... we are REALLY hoping he decides to make an appearance on his own sometime between now and friday. Wish us luck!


september 18, 2008

today is Colt's due date, but I don't think he is going to make an appearance today! We had a doctors appointment this morning and things have progressed a bit since last week, but still nothing really to report. Just playing the waiting game! I go back in on monday to try to get things going some more and after that I'll be probably discussing induction for the weekend of the 27/28.


(..jeopardy theme song..)

well, it's getting sooo close to the due date! I'm hoping every single day that it's the last but he must be pretty cozy in there. we had an appointment on thursday the 11th, and Colt's heartbeat was at 142bpm and he seems like he is doing great! His head is pretty low down, at a -4 station (see picture below),

but he still has a ways to drop. i am dilated to 1cm, so not really a whole lot of progress but things can change quick! (i hope!!) Our doctor did a procedure to "get things moving along" which brought on alot of strong contractions, but nothing regular or timeable, and they stopped after a few hours. the last few days have just been alot of achiness but nothing "real" so far. our next appointment is on thursday, the 18th. his due date! wish us luck.
oh, also, don't forget to make a guess on the baby pool!


the nursery

well, since I am only 10 days away from my due date, it is so nice to be able to say that the nursery is finally finished! I am so in love with how it turned out! I really wish we had a before shot... there was dusty pink carpet and beige walls. it's a totally different room now! rob did an amazing job tearing up the carpet and laying down the new laminate, painting & wallpapering. when i first mentioned doing a leopard print wall with lime green paint everyone looked at me like i was crazy, but i'm really happy how it all came together, i think it's a room he can really grow into.
leave a comment and let us know what you think!

oh yah, and as for myself and baby, we are both doing well! I've reached a total weight gain of 39lbs and am definitely feeling like I'm waddling around. his kicks and jabs hurt pretty bad sometimes! I'm hoping at our appointment this week I can get an update if I've made any progress in regards to going into labor. I've been getting alot of braxton hicks contractions lately that have been somewhat painful, so I'm hoping its a sign he is coming soon! I'm definitely ready to be done with this whole pregnancy business...


baby shower!

ok, so this is long overdue. we've been quite busy the past few weeks, but I apologize for the lack of updates this past month. On august 17th my friends threw a beautiful baby shower for us!! vanessa hosted it at her house and had lots of balloons, streamers, little duck and bottle shaped table decorations & confetti... and an amazing table of food, punch, beautiful cupcakes!! it was awesome! it was so nice to have everyone come out, and Colt is a well loved little guy already. everyone spoiled us so much, it was overwhelming! thank you thank you thank you!!


meet Colt...

well, we decided to check out the 3d ultrasound place, and by chance happened to get in right then and there! (even though on the phone with the booking agents they said they were full until next friday). It was pretty amazing watching him on a big screen tv. at first he had his feet covering his face, once we got him to move those his little hands were covering his face! after some repositioning and moving my belly around we finally got to see his chubby cheeked face! he was blinking and opening his eyes, yawning, and we even caught a smile!! it was definitely worth it! can't wait to meet him even more now. :)

also the nursery is coming along nicely! all the major work like painting, wallpapering, and the laminate flooring are done... :)



Colt & my belly at 31 weeks. He weighs 3lbs 8oz so far and is measuring right on! (that's the umbilical cord in front of his face). Couldn't be happier to hear he is healthy.



so so excited to see the baby tonight at the ultrasound! we went on our hospital tour last night and saw lots of super tiny newborns. lol, i want mine now!

we got to see the delivery and recovery rooms and the maternity ward and everything. the delivery rooms are very nice and comfortable, pretty cozy looking. i'm not so sure i'm interesting in labouring in water anymore. the 'tub' is a very odd looking contraption that seems like a confinement chair or something, but it is in a really small room that had it not been painted with an underwater mural on all four walls, i could have easily felt like it was the janitors closet. apparently though there is 1 room that has a labouring tub actually in the room you would deliver in, and you can request it but if it's taken it's taken. so we'll see.

haha as i'm writing this, Colt has the hiccups. it's an interesting feeling.
also, this morning when I woke up I had a very strong feeling of not being pregnant, it was pretty weird. even after I physically got out of bed I still felt light. lol, I ran to the scale to make sure I didn't magically lose weight overnight. By the time I got to the scale, I felt every lb of pregnancy again. lol.


tick tock

So we are busy working away at getting the nursery together. 3 of the walls have been painted and one wall is half wallpapered. ugh, wallpaper hanging is miserable! it will all come together nicely though. after today we still have to paint all the trim and doors a nice bright white and then we can begin laying down the laminate flooring. (the room had a dusty pink looking carpet before). then I can finally start setting up the crib and adding all the little decorative touches I've been wanting to do for so long!

Sometimes I look at that little ticker over there to the right of this page and think, oh man, I still have to wait another 60 days or so, and then some days I think AHH I only have 60 days left!! Still seems like there is so much to do and learn before he comes. (as if anyone is ever really ready I'm sure). so tonight is our Hospital Tour. I think it's about an hour or so and we will see the birthing rooms and all the options of labouring available to us, the recovery rooms, etc. I'm looking forward to it, hopefully to ease some anxieties about giving birth.

we had another prenatal appointment last week and from now on they will be every two weeks, and then soon enough every week. so, there should be more to write about these next few weeks. seems like we have a million appointments! on wednesday we go for an ultrasound! at our last prenatal check up my uterine measurement was slightly on the small side, so the nurse asked if i would like an ultrasound just to ease my mind that everything is ok. also, since moving from edmonton they do not have their own ultrasound images to refer to here in hamilton so it is partly for their own records as well. I can't wait to see him on the monitor again... hopefully we will be allowed to take home some more photos. maybe they can even do a 3d scan? that would be pretty awesome. i think that when we get closer to the date we will pay to have a 3d ultrasound done. it's amazing how clear they are!
(check out fetal expressions)

in the meantime we've just been reading up on birth and babycare! we've made a decision to raise Colt as a 'green' baby. we are working on educating ourselves on products that are safe to not only the baby but the environment and animals as well. (see dimpleskins naturals). we were surprised to learn that many leading companies such as johnson & johnson test their products on animals! (see PETA). i've also been reading more and more about cloth diapering since that is the route we are taking. i stumbled upon a site the other day with a long list of 'recipes' of wipe solutions to try out for using your own cloth diaper wipes instead of disposable wipes. most people seem fairly negative towards cloth diapering but the more i read the more it makes sense and rob and i both feel very committed towards making it work. i think diapers are going to suck either way, lol. also for extended time away from home there is a 'new earth friendly hybrid' diaper available called g.diapers. i think we may order a 'starter kit' from them just to have on hand when it isn't feasible to use cloth. (like say when we go to the cottage and the nearest laundromat is 30mins away and all of our cloth diapers are soiled!)

so, we should have more to post in the next couple days with the ultrasound and all. also, more belly pics to come soon, i'm getting big! 30lbs gained so far.. ahh.


aww.. my little eggplant

i found this neat little reference guide to the baby's size, all done in fruits and veggies to show how the little guy has been progressing.

Week 4*: Poppyseed
Your little zygote is settling into your uterus...
> More on what baby's up to

Week 5: Appleseed
Average size: .13 in**
Major organs and systems are forming...
> More on what baby's up to

Week 6: Sweet Pea
Average size: .25 in
Blood is starting to circulate...
> More on what baby's up to

Week 7: Blueberry
size: .51 in
Baby's brain is growing fast...
> More on what baby's up to

Week 8: Raspberry
Average size: .63 in, .04 oz
Little arms and legs are moving like crazy...

> More on what baby's up to

Week 9: Green Olive
Average size: .9 in, .07 oz
A Doppler device might pick up a heartbeat...
> More on what baby's up to

Week 10: Prune
Average size: 1.2 in, .14 oz
Arm joints are working, and soon legs will too...
> More on what baby's up to

Week 11: Lime
Average size: 1.6 in, .25 oz
Fingers and toes are no longer webbed...
> More on what baby's up to

Week 12: Plum
Average size: 2.1 in, .49 oz
Almost all vital systems are fully formed...
> More on what baby's up to

Week 13: Peach
size: 2.9 in, .81 oz
Teeth and vocal cords are appearing...
> More on what baby's up to

Week 14: Lemon
Average size: 3.4 in, 1.5 oz
Liver, kidney and spleen are continuing to develop...
> More on what baby's up to

Week 15: Naval Orange
size: 4.0 in, 2.5 oz
Legs are finally longer than arms...
> More on what baby's up to

Week 16: Avocado
size: 4.6 in, 3.5 oz
Eyebrows, lashes and hair are filling in...
> More on what baby's up to

Week 17: Onion
Average size: 5.1 in, 5.9 oz

Skeleton is hardening, and fat is accumulating...
> More on what baby's up to

Week 18: Sweet Potato
Average size: 5.6 in, 6.7 oz

Baby's moving like crazy -- feel anything yet?
> More on what baby's up to

Week 19: Mango
Average size: 6.0 in, 8.5 oz

Vernix caseosa is coating baby's skin...

> More on what baby's up to

Week 20: Cantaloupe
Average size: 6.5 in, 10.6 oz
Boy or girl, genitals are fully formed...
> More on what baby's up to

Week 21: Banana
Average size: 10.5 in
***, 12.7 oz
Taste buds are starting to work...
> More on what baby's up to

Weeks 21-24 (Month 5): Papaya
Average size: 10.5-11.8 in, 12.7-20.8 oz

Nipples are sprouting, and face is fully formed!
> More on what baby's up to

Weeks 25-28 (Month 6): Eggplant
Average size:
13.6-14.8 in, 1.5-2.2 lb
Immune system is preparing for the outside world...
> More on what baby's up to

Weeks 29-32 (Month 7): Squash
Average size: 15.2-16.7 in, 2.5-3.8 lb

Sleeping and waking cycles are establishing...

> More on what baby's up to

Weeks 33-36 (Month 8): Honeydew
Average size: 17.2-18.7 in, 4.2-5.8 lb
Growth is slowing, and baby may soon descend...
> More on what baby's up to

Weeks 37-Delivery (Month 9): Watermelon
Average size: 18.9-20.9 in, 6.2-9.2 lb
Full term! Baby's finally ready for the outside world...
> More on what baby's up to

aww. when we found out he was just a little apple seed & sweet pea size, now we have a darling eggplant!

some other interesting links and such:

thenestbaby.com - tools, q&a, resources of all sorts

all about cloth diapering - really great modern tutorial

boon! - modern baby products that I LOVE

coochicoos.com - designs for modern parenting, very neat articles and product features and alot about 'green' parenting

i've been spending way too much time online looking at anything and everything baby! definitely getting antsy to start the nursery...

and here are some updated belly pics. i swear i feel so much bigger than i look in these photos. i am up to 23lbs gained. also, i think that he is a little octopus, he squirms so much it feels like 8 arms in there!