
the nursery

well, since I am only 10 days away from my due date, it is so nice to be able to say that the nursery is finally finished! I am so in love with how it turned out! I really wish we had a before shot... there was dusty pink carpet and beige walls. it's a totally different room now! rob did an amazing job tearing up the carpet and laying down the new laminate, painting & wallpapering. when i first mentioned doing a leopard print wall with lime green paint everyone looked at me like i was crazy, but i'm really happy how it all came together, i think it's a room he can really grow into.
leave a comment and let us know what you think!

oh yah, and as for myself and baby, we are both doing well! I've reached a total weight gain of 39lbs and am definitely feeling like I'm waddling around. his kicks and jabs hurt pretty bad sometimes! I'm hoping at our appointment this week I can get an update if I've made any progress in regards to going into labor. I've been getting alot of braxton hicks contractions lately that have been somewhat painful, so I'm hoping its a sign he is coming soon! I'm definitely ready to be done with this whole pregnancy business...

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