
ultrasound ultraexcited

a front view of the baby, its facial features, arm & little hand, and weird little legs

the back of the baby, shoulders & hips

the babys profile and little face, slight view of the spine & brain

yay! ultrasound! almost didn't make it between clocks reading wrong, directions to pick up rob in a small town being confused, dead cell phone, almost running out of gas, and almost getting, a speeding ticket all the while ready to burst after drinking all the required water, we made it. haha with 7 minutes of our appointment time left! i had to pee SO bad by this point, she started the ultrasound and told me i could go empty a cup of my bladder, ha! trying to stop midstream was a challenge. but i managed and went back to the room. the ultrasound tech was not happy, got to her business and wasn't going to let rob in the room. she did all her measurements though and then called rob in and we looked at the monitor together. it was pretty amazing!

the baby was so active, we could see all its little fingers and spine, ribs, and brain... it was really awesome! the baby is 7.28cm long from head to bum not including the legs, it's heartbeat was 158 beats per minute and we are officially at 13weeks and 3 days. the baby was waving its arms and flipping all around. i could have watched that monitor for so long! the tech said it was too early to determine sex, so we'll be waiting until the next one to hear that news! (although rob insists he can see its a boy, lol)

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