
c'mon Colt!!!

Well, the end is near. We had our very last appointment today at the Maternity Center, so we have scheduled an induction. Sometime on Friday, St. Josephs labour & delivery will call and I will go in to have a method of induction done involving a prostaglandin gel. They'll keep me for an hour to monitor me and the baby to see if labour will begin, if not I will be going home and returning in 6 hours for the procedure to be repeated. If the two applications of gel don't bring labour on, then on saturday morning I'll be returning to labour & delivery where they will give me IV of pitocin to start contractions! If all goes well baby Colt should be born on Saturday September 27th! If he isn't born until Sunday, it probably means I've had a really long labour, (lol so be cautious if you visit!) :) Since we were hoping for a natural birth I'm kind of dissapointed to have to be facing an induction, but there are alot of risks if the baby stays in for too long, so I know it is best. With a pitocin induced labour, contractions are apparently far more intense and painful, so I may end up having to request an epidural which I was also hoping to avoid. We'll have to just wait and see how I can tolerate the pain I suppose.
but... we are REALLY hoping he decides to make an appearance on his own sometime between now and friday. Wish us luck!


september 18, 2008

today is Colt's due date, but I don't think he is going to make an appearance today! We had a doctors appointment this morning and things have progressed a bit since last week, but still nothing really to report. Just playing the waiting game! I go back in on monday to try to get things going some more and after that I'll be probably discussing induction for the weekend of the 27/28.


(..jeopardy theme song..)

well, it's getting sooo close to the due date! I'm hoping every single day that it's the last but he must be pretty cozy in there. we had an appointment on thursday the 11th, and Colt's heartbeat was at 142bpm and he seems like he is doing great! His head is pretty low down, at a -4 station (see picture below),

but he still has a ways to drop. i am dilated to 1cm, so not really a whole lot of progress but things can change quick! (i hope!!) Our doctor did a procedure to "get things moving along" which brought on alot of strong contractions, but nothing regular or timeable, and they stopped after a few hours. the last few days have just been alot of achiness but nothing "real" so far. our next appointment is on thursday, the 18th. his due date! wish us luck.
oh, also, don't forget to make a guess on the baby pool!


the nursery

well, since I am only 10 days away from my due date, it is so nice to be able to say that the nursery is finally finished! I am so in love with how it turned out! I really wish we had a before shot... there was dusty pink carpet and beige walls. it's a totally different room now! rob did an amazing job tearing up the carpet and laying down the new laminate, painting & wallpapering. when i first mentioned doing a leopard print wall with lime green paint everyone looked at me like i was crazy, but i'm really happy how it all came together, i think it's a room he can really grow into.
leave a comment and let us know what you think!

oh yah, and as for myself and baby, we are both doing well! I've reached a total weight gain of 39lbs and am definitely feeling like I'm waddling around. his kicks and jabs hurt pretty bad sometimes! I'm hoping at our appointment this week I can get an update if I've made any progress in regards to going into labor. I've been getting alot of braxton hicks contractions lately that have been somewhat painful, so I'm hoping its a sign he is coming soon! I'm definitely ready to be done with this whole pregnancy business...


baby shower!

ok, so this is long overdue. we've been quite busy the past few weeks, but I apologize for the lack of updates this past month. On august 17th my friends threw a beautiful baby shower for us!! vanessa hosted it at her house and had lots of balloons, streamers, little duck and bottle shaped table decorations & confetti... and an amazing table of food, punch, beautiful cupcakes!! it was awesome! it was so nice to have everyone come out, and Colt is a well loved little guy already. everyone spoiled us so much, it was overwhelming! thank you thank you thank you!!